Senior Years

​​​​​ Year 10 Offerings​

Aquinas College provides Year 10 students with offerings that promote a culture of learning and a supported transition into Senior Pathways. Students are encouraged to actively engage and pursue their true academic passions through the Australian Curriculum.  Students study a combination of core and elective subjects. 

In Year 10, students will study 6 core subjects, these include the following:​

Religious Education
​Mathematical Methods OR General Mathematics​
​Health and Physical Education (studied for one semester only)
​History (studied for one semester only)


At Aquinas College, through the Australian Curriculum we provide students with a breadth of learning that prepares them for Senior Pathway subject selction. Students are provided with many opportunities to access a variety of learning areas. In Year 10, Students study 3 elective subjects across the full year:

Advanced Sports Program​​
Civics & Citizenship Legal Studies
Health Education
History (Course 2)
Design and Technologies Engineering & Materials
Design and Technologies Textiles
​Media Arts
Design and Technologies Food Specialisations
Design and Technologies Materials & Technologies Specialisations
​STEM Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics
Digital Technologies
Illuminate Netball Excellence Program
​Illuminate Rugby League Excellence Program
Economics & Business incorporates Certificate I in Workplace Skills
Visual Art​

​There is also flexibility in the Year 10 program to support students who wish to pursue school-based traineeships and entry into some TAFE programs.

Year 11 & 12 Offerings

​The Senior Curriculum at Aquinas promotes extensive pathway opportunities for students that values inclusion. 

The curriculum is aspirational for all students to achieve the Queensland Certificate of Education or the Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement. Our curriculum also allows the students to become confident and creative individuals, successful lifelong learners and informed members of our community.  

Students are given extensive guidance in selecting appropriate pathways and subjects to meet individual needs through the Setplan process. The opportunity for students and families to negotiate a pathway personalizes programs to individual passions, strengths and career pathways.

General Subjects
​Applied Subjects
​VET Subjects
Ancient History​
Dance in Practice
Certificate III in Engineering Pathways
​Drama in Practice
​Certificate II in Cookery
​Essential English
​Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
​Essential Mathematics
​Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
​Certificate III in Business
​Digitial Solutions
​Industrial Graphics Skills
​Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
​Industrial Technology Skills
​Diploma of Business
​Media Arts in Practice
​Film, Television and New Media
​Religion and Ethics
​General Mathematics
​Visual Arts in Practice

​Legal Studies
​​​​Students can also select an alternative pathway in conjunction with their selected course of study. Students may apply for school-based traineeships and apprenticeships or entry into TAFE/Private Provider programs.
​Mathematical Methods
​Modern History
​Physical Education


​Specialist Mathematics
​Study of Religion​
​Visual Arts