Vocational Education and Training

​​​​​​  To access all information relating to inschool pathways use this link:   

 ​​​​​​AQ Pathway button final.png

The goal of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) program at Aquinas College is to provide opportunities for students to develop the practical and interpersonal skills required to successfully make the transition from school to work and further education.​​

Aquinas College offers several courses that are nationally accredited by either the school or in partnership with another Registered Training Organisation (RTO) through an approved Third-Party Arrangement.​​

Aquinas College (RTO Number 30216)​​​

​Barrington College (RTO Number 45030)

  • ​BSB50120 Diploma of Business​

  • 10971NAT Certificate IV in Justice Studies

  • BSB30120 Certificate III in Business​

  • BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management​

​​Binnacle Training (RTO Number 31319)

  • ​SIS20122 / SIS​30122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation and Certificate III in Sport,Aquatics and Recreation

​Bluedog Training (RTO Number 31193)​​

  • ​MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways​​​

Aurora Training Institute (RTO Number 32237)​
  • SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery

VET Student Handbook​

The VET student handbook can be accessed  

here: 2025 VET Student Handbook.pdf

This handbook contains procedural information relating to:

  • ​complaints and appeals
  • recognition of prior learning (RPL)
  • certification and issuing qualifications
  • flexible learning and assessment procedures.
Marketing and Enrolment Information:

​​Gateway to Industry School Project​ -

Building and Construction​​

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​Aquinas College in partnership with Construction Skills Queensland is a participating school in the Gateway to Industry School Project.

The project assists the transition of young students from school to work whist completing their QCE. Key activities of the project include:

  • Exposing students to try a skill, which raises awareness of paraprofessional careers such as being a Surveyor, Civil Engineer, Estimator or Building Designer.
  • Exposing students to try a trade, which raises awareness of construction careers such a being a Painter, Plumber, Carpenter or Electrician.
  • ​Transitioning selective Year 12 students to a potential apprenticeship in Year 13 through enrolment into the Hutchies Trade Ready Program where:
    • ​students build on their construction skills
    • gain practical hands on industry training.​

TAFE at School Program

Aquinas College offers students in Years 10, 11 and 12 the opportunity to complete a Queensland TAFE qualification whilst still in school. Students can choose from a variety of certificate I to Certificate III courses. 

For more information click on the following link:​ TAFE School Program


School based Traineeships and Apprenticeships​

Aquinas College also offers students the opportunity in Years 10, 11 and 12 to undertake:

  • School based traineeships
  • School apprenticeships
  • Work experience​
​                          QR FOR VET.png
     (c) Brisbane Catholic Education. Aquinas College (2023)

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs) are for students in Years 10,11 & 12 who want to get a head start on their chosen career pathway. SATs allow students to combine school and training with working in a real job. The Queensland Government provide public funding under the User Choice program for the delivery of training by an RTO to eligible apprentices and trainees without cost to the user.​​

For information on traineeships, apprenticeships and all things VET, visit #VET@AQ on Instagram or by scanning the QR code. 

For further enquiries please contact:

Steven Fox – Program Leader VET and Careers stevenf@aquinas.qld.edu.au

Jane Jenkins – Industry Liaison Officer janej@aquinas.qld.edu.au​