Year 12 Offerings

The focus of Year 12 is to allow students to follow their own academic pathway. Students have been given extensive guidance in selecting appropriate pathways and subjects to meet individual needs. The opportunity for students to choose their curriculum allows them to shape their own program to their own interests, abilities and future study pathways. All students are encouraged to achieve their potential regardless of the pathway chosen in Years 11 and 12.

Year 12 students have constructed a course of study from a range of subjects, which are designed and moderated by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), formerly the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA). Students will normally study six QCAA subjects for a total of four semesters in each.

All Year 11 and 12 students must study one of:

•    (A) Study of Religion or Religion and Ethics

•    (B) English or English Communication

 and select another four (4) subjects from the subject selection list provided in the Senior Subject Selection Handbook (outlined below)


Information Processing Technology

​Ancient History

​Information Technology Systems


​Industrial Technology Studies

Business Communication and Technologies​


Business Management​

​Legal Studies​

Business Tourism​



​Mathematics A

Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care​

​Mathematics B

​Creative Arts

Mathematics C


​​Modern History




Physical Education

Film, TV & New Media​



​​Prevocational Mathematics

Health Education​

​Science 21

Hospitality (4 Sem)​​​

​Technology Studies

Hospitality Studies​

​Visual Arts​


Students can also select an alternative pathway in conjunction with their selected course of study. Students may apply for school based traineeships and apprenticeships or entry into some TAFE/Private Provider programs.​