Year 9 Offerings

​​During the last year in the Middle Years, Year 9 students are given the opportunity to choose electives and begin the transition into the senior phase of learning.  It is important that students begin to recognise the subjects that they achieve well in and will guide their future learning pathway. Students are allocated a core class and study elective subjects across the year.

In Year 9, students complete the following core subjects for the entire school year:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health and Physical Education (for one semester only)
  • History (for one semester only)

Students also study 5 elective subjects across the year, with two to be studied one semester and three in the other. Class offerings are organised through prioritising student preferences, these subjects include:

​Civics and Citizenship


​Design and Technologies (Textiles)

​Design and Technologies (Food Specialisations)

Design and Technologies (Engineering and Materials)​

Design and Technologies (Materials and Technologies Specialisations)​

​Digital Technologies

​Economics and Business



​Media Arts


​lluminate Netball Excellence Program

​Illuminate Rugby League Excellence Program​


​Visual Arts​