Romero House

House Colour: Green

oscarromero.jpgOur House Patron:

Romero House is named in memory of Archbishop Oscar Romero who died on March 24 1980. Romero was the champion of the poor people of his native San Salvador. He had the courage to speak out against atrocities committed by the Salvadoran government. Only moments before he was gunned down by government troops Romero, in his final homily said: “I do not believe in death without resurrection. If they kill me, I will be resurrected in the Salvadoran people.” Today, Oscar Romero lives on not just amongst his own people but he is acknowledged by the worldwide church as “Bishop of the Poor.”

Romero House’s Vision for 2015

 Inspired by the legacy of Oscar Romero, Romero House is a house of courage and compassion that accepts and values the humanness of every person. 2015 is our year to have fun as a Romero family and to strive for 100% participation as a means of broadening students’ experiences and building confidence and resilience through healthy competition.​