Performing Arts

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Want excitement? Want exhilaration? Then you need Drama! Every day, in every lesson, Drama students 
are provided with the unique ability to step into the shoes of others; to experience other worlds that can only be located somewhere deep within our imaginations. Escape the known, the familiar and journey to the other side of mundane on a voyage of self-discovery.

Build your confidence! Build better relationships with your peers and teachers! Be the best you can be!

Drama students at Aquinas are the types of students who go on to be the Captains of the College, the OP1 students and the various senior leaders and House leaders.

With record numbers of senior students selecting Drama as one of their elective subjects, now is the perfect time to join.

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Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!


Dance at Aquinas College encourages and enables students to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and reflective learners and provides an outlet for artistic expression and creativity all while promoting positive self-esteem, working with others and autonomously. Students study and participate in a variety of dance styles and genres and learn to choreograph, appreciate and perform danceworks. Students are also provided opportunities to work with guest artists and witness professional live dance performances.

The fully equipped dance studio at Aquinas College provides a professional, safe space in which the students are able to explore and expand their dance skills and knowledge.

Students in Year 9 and 10 have the option of studying dance as an elective and Dance is offered in year 11 and 12 as a two year OP authority subject.

Extra curricular opportunities include dance performances at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod, Danced In The Spotlight, school performances, Musicals and Night of Excellence.​dance 2.JPG