

English at Aquinas is about encouraging a holistic approach to literacy that provides the tools to prepare each individual student for lifelong learning. By incorporating a mix of new texts (The Hunger Games) and classics (The Great Gatsby) in addition to new online sites such as Literacy Planet and the Aquinas Reads blog, students of any ability now have greater access to achieve.

The English department is also the gateway to many extra-curricular activities such as debating, public speaking and various writing competitions. 

Literature ​Week, held at the Aquinas library, encompasses visits from some amazing local and international authors. This year, some students will attend The Somerset Celebration of Literature, a festival for budding young writers to meet over 30 acclaimed authors and illustrators, as well as attend interactive workshops to learn valuable writing skills.

​The English staff at Aquinas is a dynamic team of collaborators who regularly engage in innovative practices such as incorporating ICTs, moderation, resource-sharing and team teaching. 

The English teachers are from varying educational backgrounds, enabling a diverse and exciting range of learning experiences throughout each student’s academic journey. They continue to encourage and support students to actively engage with both visual and written texts in order to hone literacy skills that are relevant in the real world
