
Mathematics at Aquinas College is focused on the Departmental Vision where the goal is to make teaching visible to students so they learn to become their own teachers and develop into life-long learners. Here at Aquinas, we believe in a curriculum which offers a dynamic, challenging, rich and diverse range of learning experiences.
Aquinas14-1177.jpgThe Mathematics Department follows the National Curriculum in years 7 to 10 and currently offers Maths Extension classes in years 9 and 10. In the senior school, Aquinas offers Mathematics A, B and C as well as Prevocational Mathematics. The Mathematics Department is also increasing closer ties with Griffith University by offering students the extra option of doing the Griff Maths course during years 11 and 12.

 The Mathematics staff at Aquinas are a passionate and enthusiastic group of teachers who aim to model academic excellence, provide for an inclusive classroom and see learning through the eyes of the students.

The Mathematics teachers are from varying educational backgrounds, enabling a diverse and exciting range of learning experiences throughout each student’s academic journey.